Sunday 18 November 2018

Little Book Reviewer's small Book Collection!

Akshit Manhotra is a little Champ who loves to do book reviews and also he loves to share his books with his cousins and friends.

It is so good to know that this little wonder is encouraging many kids not only in his class and school to fall in love with books and reading but  he also loves to travel just to convey to more and more Children,parents and Teachers to stay away from the digital companions.

And that is the main reason that he run's his book reading campaign also on YouTube where he talks about the great books and urges children to read some good books .

His personal favorite includes:

1.Ruskin Bond's Children Omnibus
2.Tom Gates:He has the boxed set of Tom gates by L.Pichon
3.Enid Blyton's Famous Five & Secret Seven:
4. Devdutt Patnaik's Fun in Devlok Omnibus :

5.Sudha Murthy's Grandma's bag of stories:

And few more which you can check out in his you-tube linked shared below.

According to him book reading can help not just children but all the adults as well to :

1.Understand better and improve the EQ (Emotional Quotient)
2.Connect the dots
3.Learn from various  characters
4.Improves vocabulary
5.Improves communication skills and certainly enhances the confidence.

#Akshit visits various institutes and Spoken English & IELTS academy to encourage students to read and give them tips on how to read effectively as well.
So come fall in love with books with Akshit Manhotra’s book reading Campaign

Saturday 17 November 2018

#Lil Akshit reviews books to help Children Digitally Detox

      Books,Books and Books!

 #Let us detox digitally and let us fall in love with books all over again little kids.

"Books are like unique portable magic"

#And seven years old Akshit Manhotra certainly has added this magic in his life and at this young age he is  spreading awareness about reading books,
He is running a “Book reading” campaign  where he shares information about  children books he talks about the author and also gives a summary of the various books that he has read.

#This 7 year old wonder boy says that  books will help all the children to become Invaluable.I request you to connect with me if you have the love for reading but no time ,then I can help you read the book and give the Summary.

#You can follow him on his youtube channel "Akshit Manhotra Neoteric"

According to him book reading can help not just children but all the adults as well to :

1.Understand better and improve the EQ (Emotional Quotient)
2.Connect the dots
3.Learn from various  characters
4.Improves vocabulary
5.Improves communication skills and certainly enhances the confidence.

#Akshit visits various institutes and Spoken English & IELTS academy to encourage students to read and give them tips on how to read effectively as well.
So come fall in love with books with Akshit Manhotra’s book reading Campaign

Tuesday 13 November 2018

#Have you heard of EPL?


Ethically Passionate Leader”

#I personally define Leadership as a combination of  two rare qualities one " Ethical" and other being "Passionate" and I admire those Leaders whom I call “EPLs” that is Ethically Passionate Leaders.

I have seen few ,only a few as of now, great Leaders who excel and grow beyond imagination because they are very high on the scale of Morals, Ethics and Passion.

As I believe that one can find many passionate Leaders however when you are clouded by passion you tend to get ethically blind and very rare leaders have the capacity and potential to not to get blind by their Passion and hence they are the true Leaders they are the “EPLs” who live and care for the people and world around and are not just creating waves by diving deep into their passion but are also ethically sound.

This is what our world demands now, it needs more and more EPLs, who let others grow along with them ,they constantly inspire other people around them not just through their work but also through their vision, which is very clear, just and ethically strong .

These Leaders begin by creating a vision for all , which is communicated and clarified carefully to everyone in the system. It is embedded with strong corporate Cultural values and elements of dignity and equality are at the core of it.

EPLs clearly describes three stages for any big or small decisions to be taken at the workplace.

The decision would only be considered, if it is ethically viable at the first stage and then at the second level the decision will be filtered on the scale of their passion and if it passes this filter the Decision would then enter the system and follows the standard procedure at the work place depending upon its conduciveness.

# For instance there are various educational Institutes and many Edupreneurs, who are successfully running the so called educational institutes however the most important thing here to understand is, are they passionate about the element of "Education" or “Business” because various schools,colleges and Institutes are openly seen minting money ,they are passionate only about profit making and they are ethically blind towards the fact that how this passion of minting money is killing the present and the future of our younger generation.

 Every educational Institute should confirm to very high standards of ethics and this can happen only if we have great Leaders to see this.But sadly we do have many leaders at district level ,state level and even at the National level but no one is EPL.

Only if we have government’s bureaucrats with high ethics and passion to improve the system in India ,we would soon see India rising and reaching at the top of the world in terms of education too.

 Let us see another scenario of a  Mobile app company ,which is passionate to incorporate the latest technology, wants to now carve a niche in the teen market sector and they have an option of attracting the teenagers with apps that will help them to choose their career easily depending upon few questionnaire however the Mobile App company knows that no matter what is the real answers filled up by the teen students ,the questionnaire will be biased and force the teen students to join a particular Institute/College.

Hence, the Mobile app company ,disregards this lucrative offer as this is ethically not correct and though the company is passionate to use the latest technology for creating the mobile app they refuse to even consider it at the first place.

So this simple model gives lot of power to goodness and ethical practice at the workplace and thereby making this world a better place.
So  we need to remember that we might be very passionate about something however we need to first screen at the very core of it on the filter of “Ethics”.

#In ethically blind society,Morals are like those strong roots, that will help you to grow anywhere and everywhere unlike those, who lack morals and are working only for few like-minded people and once they are cut off from that system , as they lack roots they never grow back to life again anywhere.

#So creating a brand doesn't mean, you  go with the flow or follow the trend.It means be you, be authentic.

#People will remember you always,for your create a beautiful you, without aping others try to be a great EPLs.

# Do not crave for name, just do your work, grow and let others also grow with you. As EPLs are those who are never crave for to be at the front row but they are those who help others  lead sometimes even without getting noticed just like the strong roots of a tree . Though roots are the real force the real power the beauty is external so strive to be the real you and it is okay if you go unnoticed sometimes externally as it happens in the corporate world.

#When you work from your heart with strong morals and character you don't just create a brand you create a legacy. 

To know more such concepts ,do drop in an email @ and don't forget to read my other blogs .

please find the link below to read another blog of mine.