Tuesday 2 October 2018

#Do you know , Reading Aloud and Notes Help !


So out of the four elements of leaning a new language, I would like to present to you all the "Reading Element" and I am sure that once you follow these tips,you will thank me for helping you with very simple yet powerful tips!

#These tips will certainly take you to the next level in learning any new language and not just English language for that matter.

#So without any delay let us go straight into the topic and the tip number one is " LRS"

       #LRS  = Well, I call it as “Loud reading sessions”.

When we begin to learn any new language, we need to keep in mind that we should  enjoy learning ,so be it a reading element,Writing,speaking or Listening, we should make it interesting.

#So when you are trying to work upon your reading element, please choose the right reading material which interests you, for instance, if you are someone who likes to read poetry get a poetry book or if you are someone who loves the technology, you can read something related to IT and latest trends, that will keep you happy and active and when you are not bored, you tend to give your best. So obvious isn’t it!

So grab your favorite magazine, books, Editorials or Essays  and start reading that’s it!

No, not exactly that will not help, though most of us while learning a new language  really try hard and give our best and read good magazines, journals and books but what we really miss out on is reading it  "loud".

So we need to focus on this thing that, when we read silently, we are not making our tongue practice at all and it is our mind which is at work and it is the mind alone, that is doing the entire reading and our tongue is at rest; hence this could really ruin our progress of speaking fluently.

Because Mind while reading silently assumes that we are able to read the words and when required we will be able to pronounce it,but remember that this is just an assumption,the real practice of any word is done by the "Tongue

Hence as a beginner (in a new language) what one must do, to go to the next level , is to set a fixed time ,not over 20 to 30 minutes for loud reading sessions ,so spending just half an hour out of 24 hours is certainly not a big deal, if you want to master a new language. 

# RWR  = “Recording While Reading” is another great technique. As an HR Manager I have learnt and understood  one thing very well and that  is, power of “Assessment /Measurement” because “things that cannot be measured ,cannot be improved ” so it is necessary to keep a record of your practice sessions and measure or assess your daily improvement that will help you to see your own improvement graph .

So what exactly you have to do?

You have to clutch to your digital companions, and start recording, while you read aloud ,so the best companion for the RWR sessions are your Cell phones for sure; so use them to record your voice.

#What will happen if I record my Voice?

That is an obvious question, well, I endorse this RWR sessions because I have done it myself, when I was at GECIS (GE Capital International Services) and as a fresh graduate, who was campus selected was given a tall order to remember and learn new words, pronunciations and vocabulary and whenever I read these new words loud , I recorded them and when I heard my own recordings, new words were so easy for me to remember and I could actually listen to my own pronunciation and see how much I am improving in every recording.

So listening to your own voice helps you to learn new words too and certainly gives you the much required “Tongue Practice”.

#And the best part was that I was able to track my own performance.
# So I strongly recommend all the beginners to record your  “LRS” and  make it a habit to also listen to your recording after 3 or four days so that you can see the improvement yourself by comparing your first recording to the latest one and when you see this comparison you will be amazed to find the vast difference. Hence always track of your learning and improvement.

3.    #RWC “Reading with Coach” yes indeed this is another tip that will help you in your reading element. When you are reading all alone it will certainly give you a lot of tongue practice however when you are just beginning to learn a new language it is better that you do most of your reading sessions in presence of someone who can guide you, it could be your teacher, friend or your parents so that they can give you the exact feedback and we all know how important the feedback is when we want to improve.

4.    #RTU: “Read to understand” This is the  most important part of reading element, just remember we are not doing these recordings and loud reading sessions just to read  but the main idea is to understand the message of the text ,to actually get to know its meaning .

#So I request all the learners that after few days of loud reading practice ,may be after 15 days please start reading and understanding the text and the best way to do so ,is to practice the “Reading Comprehensions” as it will provide you with some questions and you have to look for the answers in the text provided so you can check out your understanding .

#Other great way of understanding any text is to have a good dictionary with you,search the meanings of new words and also take help of Thesaurus , a book which will help you to expand your vocabulary , as Thesaurus contains synonyms.

#Also take notes , when you read and you understand the main idea, simply put it down on the paper , a very useful technique not just for Comprehension passage but to improve your understanding of any complex and new information presented.

#You can either draw an image of that main idea , with different color ,while you make notes, keep the notes clean so that brain remembers it clearly as we all know, visuals are very powerful ways to retain the new information in our minds.

#Technically we call it “Mind Mapping” but my advice is don’t make it too complicated but while you read , always understand the content, write down the main idea or draw its picture, even when you come across a new word, relate it with some visual draw it on your notebook.

And before I wrap this piece, I want to share a very popular quote on Reading which says "Today a Reader,Tomorrow a Leader" and that is absolutely true....So read more and explore more and live more !!

In case you have any questions please do send in your questions at vinumanhotra@gmail.com

also don't miss out on the latest do check this out!


1 comment:

  1. this is so good Anu.

    tips on how to read n learn and master a language is wonderful. Keep posting many more Anu.
