Tuesday 2 October 2018

#Power Postures @ Work/Office.

Thanks to all the readers,mainly the young professionals and fresh graduates who are loving these blogs from my upcoming book "English and Business Etiquette".An employability guide.

 #Many of you have asked me to write about the body language,which is non technically and non officially also referred as "Bio Language" by many .

#So after having discussed "Power dressing"  let me quickly give you some great and important tips about the bio language.

#I will try  not to discuss the easy- breezy things and tips on body language today rather I'll be focusing more on the power postures and few impressive tips that will help you to not just look like a great professional but also it will make you feel like one great super star at work.

So let us dive deep into understanding those magical tips;

#As mentioned earlier in this blog I am sharing some of my secrets the magic tips from my own life, to help you all add more confidence and sunshine to your life.

1.Hands on : The number one tip for the power posture lies in your own hands.So, do remember the power that you ever wanted in your life is in your own hand gestures and I am very serious when I present this tip.

Because most of us underestimate the use of hand gestures while speaking and we give a lot of importance to the eye contact when it comes to connecting with people, but the truth is if you are able to use your hand gestures for supporting the words while speaking ,you will sound more trustworthy .

#It is very natural in some cases, which is absolutely true in my case too because it seems impossible for me to talk without using my hand gestures and it happens with everyone who speaks from the heart, be it a man or a woman you have to use your hand gestures while you talk and certainly not so much that you look weird but only use to support your words these gestures of hands make you look more trustworthy and honest and people listen to you.

For instance if I have to tell the audience that I have two (use hands to show the number/point because corresponding gesture will always help them to remember)very important details today to share with you all,people will listen and also retain that for long as you supported the verbal information with your hand gesture.

#Hand gestures are very powerful to convey your true emotions, sometimes when you are short of words.

#Just look at the picture below,yes it is me and this was certainly not a rehearsed moment,it shows that I am very happy and overwhelmed with the love,support and positive feedback from the participants at one of my training workshop.

#Many charismatic leaders ,speakers and corporate trainers use the hand gestures and communicate and connect well.

#Another very common and powerful hand gesture is known as the "Steeple " see the picture below.

Image result for steeple of your hand

Steeple your hands
The above picture shows the hand steeple, where the fingers are making a little "roof top", is showing a lot of confidence and authority. This hand gesture is very popular with the speakers, lawyers & political leaders. 

2.Acknowledgement : Please do remember while you communicate you are not just talking but also listening , and when you listen, do acknowledge.

Acknowledging is a simple way to show others that "Hey I am with you and I am listening to you".

As the first duty of love is to listen, so love the speaker and acknowledge them by "Listening" and we can acknowledge  by nodding or tilting our head when we are listening to one speaker at a huge gathering/training workshop or even at the business meetings at our workplace(Where we are a part of an audience) one should always contribute to these gatherings and meetings by nodding and also sometimes leaning a little forward,So that you listen well and even connect well with the speaker and while you communicate face to face in a group or with another person you can support these gestures with small acknowledging words like “Ahha” “Okay” " I understand" as these small words and gestures take us long way to connect with the speaker .

#You can actually infuse and imbue more energy to big gatherings and dull meetings at the workplace if you are acknowledging the speaker well.So do make your contribution even as a listener and be a great one!

3.Upright posture: while upright posture is very crucial and it goes without saying that a good posture  makes  you look great, assertive and a confident professional. It is not always easy to maintain it for long working hours however we should follow few pointers to avoid the bad posture at work because it makes us look lazy and also it might have detrimental affect on our health .

So make it a habit of getting up after an hour or so ,from your workstation and  just walk few steps to relax your body.It keeps you fit and active.

Another thing to have a good and upright posture is to improve workstation ergonomics.

4.Eye contact: Well, we all agree that this is the most talked about element of the non verbal language at work.

While no denying to the fact , do remember that too much eye contact is also considered as inappropriate and unprofessional.So if you are considered as an assertive and confident professional and if you go overboard with this non verbal prompt you will be not just making another person feel uncomfortable but also ruining your chances of being titled as a true professional.

So,when we talk about eye contact,it is very necessary to know that eye contact along with the  bridging technique is the most powerful technique to convey your message. 

And to learn and master the art of "Bridging" and other powerful postures  to communicate with your business associates or superiors at work.

Do send an email to get registered for my upcoming book titled "English and Business Etiquette".

you can drop me a line at vinumanhotra@gmail.com

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