Tuesday 2 October 2018

Resume Vs Visumé

#Are we promoting ourselves enough?

We need to ask this question to see what kind of image we project and are we really projecting any image or not because most of us feel shy to talk about ourselves and promote ourselves as that is considered arrogant.

However one simple and easy way to deal with this issue is to know your professional achievements very well, and never shy away from presenting it at the right time to the right people.

So when we talk about creating an image of ourselves,to be presented to our potential employer, what comes in our mind?

Yes,you guessed it right, "Resume"

Resume is that piece of paper that reaches out to so many people, even before we get to meet them and it conveys a lot about us. isn't it?

  • It presents our Educational Qualification
  • If we have Experience in the professional field, it conveys that
  • It also gives few necessary personal and contact details
  • Sometimes it even conveys our interests and Strengths
But I wonder if it is able to present my attitude,my personality and my X factor?

Of course not, so how can I present all these traits,which are not presented  in the "Resume" well, the answer is Visumé

Resumes Vs Visumé

#Well, I strongly believe one thing that will change within a year or two is the way we reach and connect with our prospective employers.

#We relied a lot on resumes and as an HR I have given a lot of advice myself as to how to market and present yourself on that piece of paper called “Resume”.

#Many professionals were highly paid to conduct specialized workshops to just help the young professionals get their resume right and all of a sudden there is no demand of these resume writers and seeing it decline within 15 years span is showing signs that technology is really changing at a very high pace and we all need to match it to stay up to date.

#I am a big fan of “Visumé” myself now, and I strongly believe this video resume will help you to stand out and present a real you, which is far  better than the written resume.

What is a Video resume?

#Visumé  as it is popularly called, is a small video created by a candidate and uploaded on a particular website, these websites work with the various companies and are closely in touch with the HR department, and they help in forwarding your video profile to these companies, who are looking out for the resources to join their esteemed organizations.

#The video resume can be even directly forwarded to the HR team and according to the job profile , you may keep the video simple or specific to the company’s requirement.

#And yes we do have expert in these field as well, just like the way we had in the written resumes we have professionals who can help you create a perfect Video resume.

So I am sure that this is a great tool in your hand to market yourself , when compared to the traditional resume.

Tips on creating Visumé:

1.    Keep it simple and short not over 90-120 seconds
2.    Wear a professional attire while creating the video and imagine that you are sitting with an HR professional, so give complete attention to your “Visual Image” hence bio language also plays an important role.
3.    Keep the background and location also simple and professional.
4.    Do prepare and practice well, A simple and crisp script with your confidence can get you your dream job.
5.    Create not just one but few videos for different kind of companies and you can dress accordingly while creating the video.

What are the benefits of Visumé:

1.     A video resume helps you to capture your attitude and personality. Explains and presents you far better than the traditional resume.
2.      You get to speak, what you think are your USP’s: As you are the creator of the video ,you get a chance to talk about your strengths ,your unique selling points, unlike the HR interview where you probably give answers only to the question asked by the recruiter/HR.
3.      Very easy to create as any video which is as small as one minute to 2 minutes maximum, is not at all a tall order.
4.     Visumé is the new norm, well to stay current, Visumé is the best option as it has taken a lead over the traditional paper resume.
5.      Visumé helps you to present your social skills ,it also shows the potential employer that you are more awake as an Individual towards the latest trends and technology.

Possible disadvantages of Visumé:

Though I can't think of many,I would like to share one for sure that is;

#Few studies find that these video resumes are actually unfair and discriminatory in nature , hence it is wise to keep these video resumes ready with you and do check with your prospective employer before sending them over to their HR Team.

While I talk about this topic of promoting yourself, I certainly would like to suggest all my readers to check out the book “Brag! The Art of Tooting Your Own Horn Without Blowing It! By Peggy Klaus.

That will certainly give you a lot of insight and wisdom for your professional and personal life as it helps you to value yourself and understand your accomplishments and most importantly why they matter and when and how you need to present as most of us  shy away from even talking about the very crucial professional highlights sometimes hence it could be highly perilous for our career and life.

#So keep reading and learning and don't forget to drop a line at vinumanhotra@gmail.com

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